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Let's talk about hoops

By Mega Slam Australia

If you’re like most consumers you go shopping, see a product that you have to own, get very excited about it and purchase it. Then you get home and realize that you should have done your homework to ensure that you have the perfect installation spot for your new basketball hoop. In-ground basketball hoops are not any different. They too require a little pre-planning to insure that you install it in the perfect location.

By Mega Slam Australia

An ever increasing problem in the United States is childhood obesity. Several factors contribute to this issue including the increasing popularity of television, video games, and lack of healthy alternatives. Basketball is an excellent exercise idea for your kids. Giving your kids a professional grade basketball hoop at home will give them a healthy outlet to get the exercise and physical activity they need.

By Mega Slam Australia

More and more consumers are electing to install their own basketball hoop. It makes for a nice weekend project not to mention keeping a few extra dollars in your pocket. With the evolution of the big box home improvement stores, getting the proper tools and materials is not a problem, but the right basketball goal measurements is the biggest fear DIY builders face. If you are like most basketball goal consumers you are concerned with getting it right the first time because there is a proper height for a basketball hoop.

By Mega Slam Australia

We’ve all heard the popular phrase, “practice like you play”. In order to perfect your basketball skills it is important to replicate game time conditions as closely as possible. Whether it is working on an outside jump shot, perfecting a slam dunk, or improving under the board a professional grade, official regulation basketball goal is necessary.

So what determines if a basketball goal is regulation or simply recreational? There are several specifications and attributes that deem a basketball goal worthy of being considered regulation or professional grade.